Do you offer discounts for multiple editing services?

I do! If you are interested in multiple editing services, please let me know when you contact me and I will offer you a custom rate for your manuscript.

What genres do you work with?

The genres I specialize in are Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Romance, but I am also happy to edit other fiction genres, including YA, Historical, and Literary Fiction.

If your manuscript is non-fiction, feel free to reach out to me to see if I would be a good fit for it. I would love to work with subjects I am particularly interested in and if your non-fiction manuscript concerns topics in philosophy, astronomy, mineralogy, or classical music, I may be inclined to give you a discount.

I would not be a good fit for Erotica or Horror.

My manuscript isn’t a novel. Can you still edit it?

Yes! I am happy to work with short stories, novellas, and other non-fiction formats as well. Simply send me an email so we may discuss your manuscript and see if I am the right editor for your work. If you would like me to edit a dissertation, I would also be open to that too.

Do you work with manuscripts that include graphic content?

I am not opposed to there being graphic content in the manuscript, but I would appreciate having a list of content warnings in advance so I know what to expect when I delve into your story.

What document formats do you work with?

I work with Word Documents and will be providing my inline commentary through Comments on Microsoft Word. When sending in your manuscript, please submit it to me as a Word Document, preferably formatted in Modern Manuscript Format. I cannot work off PDFs.

Do you edit in US or UK English?

I can edit and proofread in either US or UK English. Do let me know in advance which one of the two you would prefer for me to work with so I can keep that in mind as I tackle your manuscript.

What’s in the images strewn all over your site?

The images on my site are for the most part photomicrographs of thin sections of meteorites as seen through a polarizing filter! They have not been taken by me but belong to the Smithsonian Institution or NASA.

Can you show me the Cerussite that’s on your desk?

Here it is! It has a lovely snowflake pattern and is the latest addition to my collection.